Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 28

A really old friend of mine was standing there looking like a video vixen. It was like one of those "from geek to sheek" shows. She looked amazing. But i didnt catch the vapors or anything, however i was impressed. We kicked it for a few and she led me into the back part of the house. There was a couple of young dudes, and girls sitting around a table. They were just baggin some green , and playing some cards. In the corner of the kitchen, there was a dice game going on. I walked through to my mans room. We did what we did , and i was out. I never got comfortable in those types of settings. I headed back on the west side. There wasnt much going on in the hood, but it was home so i was good. There was this chic that had just moved to the hood. She was really sexy and she had these beautiful lips.There was just one thing, she was pregnant.  She was sitting out on the steps of her building. I decided to take a chance. I walked over to her and started kickin it. The ice cream man pulls up and i asked her if she wanted something. I got us some ice cream and we talked for a while. After getting to know each other for a few she asked me if i wanted to come inside. We went into her apartment and sat and started watching a movie. While the movie was going on, she leaned over and kissed me. This was no ordinary kiss. I had been kissed before, but this was one of those "I gotta call my momma" kinda kisses. Now i was impressed. Just when things started to heat up , she put the brakes on. I knew i was gonna have blue balls the next morning. She walked me to the door, and asked me to come over the next day. I told her that i would, and i left. I couldnt wait til the next day. The next day, after i did what i had to do, i went out to the hood hoping to see her. Just as i'd hoped, she was sitting outside. I pulled up and got out. She says that she had been waiting for me to show up, and that she was happy to see me. I have to admit that i was glad to see her too, but i wasnt gonna let her know that. We kicked it for a minute and then she said she wanted to go to the mall. I was like " let's go". We got there and i thought she wanted me to buy her some things, but it was exactly the opposite. She wanted to buy me something. Now i was impressed. We went to this men's suit strore and she had me fitted for this hot ass suit. She even picked out the perfect tie. After we grabbed something to eat, we went back to her crib. We put another movie in, but we didnt get thru that one either. After about ten minutes we were in her bedroom. Everything was good. We were a hand and a glove. It just felt right. The next morning, i left her sleep in the bed and went to get us some breakfast. When i got back, she was still sleeping. I woke her up and we ate. I got dressed and told her i would see her later. Before i got out of the door she asked me how old i was. I knew she was older than me, but for some dumb reason i lied to her and told her i was 25. I left and went to the block. I stayed up there for a few hours and i started thinking about her. So i decided to go see her. I knock on the door, and she visibly upset. I ask her what's wrong. She says that i lied to her, and that she found out i wasnt as old as i told her i was. She then tells me she doesnt date younger men and asks me to leave. I do what she asks and i leave. That was the end of that one. I thought i had one.TO B CONTINUED.....Until next time...Peace n Love.

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